
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

At the FORT Discipleship Center we love children! We do not view our time with them as 'babysitting'. We believe that Jesus wants them to know Him just as He does for the adults. We teach the Bible only in a format that the children can understand.

We believe also that children are a vital part of 'big' church. We involve them in serving through the "children's offering" where the children get to go around the sanctuary and collect offerings for orphans around the globe.

We love to have the children with us, worshiping and learning side-by-side.

Ashlynn Kasmarek
Children's Ministry Director

Ashlynn is an intern with EPIC Ministries, Inc., the parent ministry of the FORT Discipleship Center. She is working towards her ordination as a full-time ministry worker. She serves the children and their families at the FORT as the Children's MInistry Director. She is committed to seeing the children grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus all while having fun doing so!

Saturday Evenings

6:00 p.m.

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