Jerry and Donna Williams
Jerry and Donna are the co-founders of EPIC Ministries. With a mandate to go to His leaders as an "Aaron and Hur" ministry to hold up their arms and see the purpose and destiny of the Lord fulfilled in their lives, Jerry and Donna go into all the world to be a "Jonathan" to the Lord's "David's" in His present day army.

Pastors Lowell and Brenda Bard
Board Members
Pastors Lowell and Brenda are the senior pastors of Rehoboth New Life Church in Pennsylvania. Additionally, they have served as the regional overseers for the EPIC Ministries United Christian Leaders Alliance (UCLA) faithfully for many years. That service brought the promotion to the EPIC Board of Elders in 2018. Pastor Lowell assists the EPIC with its mission work to India as well. Their hearts for people and commitment to spreading the Gospel and making disciples is truly inspirational. We are excited about all the Lord will do with EPIC as a result of their participation on the Board.

Drs. David and Debbie Chapman
Board Members
Drs. David and Debbie live in the Gila valley of Arizona. David has his doctorate in Theology, is senior pastor of the church he pioneered which is the fastest growing church in their area. He is an author as well with many titles to his credit. Dr. Debbie is a veterinarian with the largest practice in their area in addition to serving with David at their church. They are a valuable part of this team and spur us on to love and good works, indeed.

Pastors Steve and Chris Olson
Board Members
Pastors Steve and Chris serve as senior pastors of their church in Iowa that they pioneered many years ago. Their passion to see people grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus is surpassed only by their example of living lives that exemplify obedience to the Word of God. They are a farming family also. The consummate husband and wife, parents and grandparents, they bring a long history of training up children in the way they should go. This translates into their ministry, being spiritual parents to many. They are a gift to this board and we honor their service.