
Jerry and Donna Williams
Co-founders/Lead Pastors/Lead Elders
Jerry and Donna Williams are the co-founders of EPIC Ministries, Inc., the parent ministry of The FORT. They are "pastors to pastors". The FORT Discipleship Center is the local training center for EPIC. Jerry and Donna serve as the lead pastors/lead elders of The FORT. With over a combined 60 years of ministry experience working with churches and para-church ministries, they are excited to be working with a family of believers who are committed to going into all the world and preaching the Gospel and making disciples. Knowing that the “church” is the Lord Jesus’ body in the earth, Jerry and Donna and the FORT family are committed to its goal of being trained in how to “be” the church and not just “do” church to help people know the Lord Jesus in a more real and practical way in their everyday lives.

Leonard and Bonnie Treat
Associate Pastor/Elder and Women's Ministry Director
Leonard was raised a PK (preacher's kid) and has a love for the Body of Christ as long as he can remember and has always had a heart for serving and protecting which lead to his career as a police officer with the Houston Police Department from which he retired. He and his wife, Bonnie, are a part of the leadership team of the FORT by his serving as Associate Pastor and her serving as Associate Women's Ministry Director. They, too, are a valuable part of the elder team.

Don and Sue Owen
Don and his wife, Sue, have been faithful members of the FORT since its beginning. In 2015, after retiring from the oil industry, he has completed the studies and was ordained into the ministry through EPIC Ministries, Inc., the parent organization of the FORT. He serves alongside Jerry and Donna bringing many years of experience in business as well as ministry. He is one of the most steadfast people one could ever encounter and a valuable member of this leadership team.

Matt and Lue Ann Pundt
Matt and Lue Ann love to serve the body and participate in outreach to others. They serve the body in multiple ways. Matt serves as the Director of the Men's ministry and Lue Ann serves in the area of church finances. Always eager to serve in any area, Matt and Lue Ann love meeting people and building relationships.

Pam Tincler
Pam and her husband. Al, were pastors for many years. After Al graduated to heaven in 2011, Pam became a part of the FORT where she serves as the Women’s Care Pastor. She is a seasoned saint who loves and serves the body with much wisdom gained in her many years of service in the Body of Christ. She is a tremendous gift to not only this elder team, but the FORT family.

Roger Adkins
Roger and his wife, Ronni, have been a part of the FORT family from almost its inception. Roger is a faithful servant to the body being the first to show up and last to leave. He serves, also, as the Director of the Emmaus Project, the benevolence ministry of the FORT Discipleship Center. He is a member of the FORT's Praise Team. He never meets a stranger.

Scott and Pam Sedberry
Scott and Pam delight to see others equipped in the Word of God and becoming activated to love and good works within the body and their everyday lives. They serve as facilitators of the adult Bible training and are both members of the FORT Praise team. Both are highly creative and bring that gifting into the body which inspires others in their relationship with the Lord. They are a dynamic duo!

Will Swearingen
Will serves the FORT with the greatest of wisdom and faithfulness. He's commitment to the body in itself is an example for people of all ages. He is a member of the men's ministry and the FORT Praise team. He always has a smile and a hug for everyone!